These packaging labels cannot be printed casually!

Currently, there are a wide variety of products on the market, and product packaging is also diverse. Many brands will label their packaging with green food, food safety license labels, etc., indicating the characteristics of the product while enhancing its competitiveness. For digital printing companies, the labels on product packaging are not printed at will, and caution should be exercised when encountering the following labels.

Registered Trademark

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® A trademark that has been registered and protected by trademark law is generally marked in the upper right corner of the trademark. TM represents a trademark that is currently being applied for and is usually marked in the upper right corner of the trademark. To print a registered trademark logo, one must provide qualifications such as a trademark registration certificate or a trademark registration authorization notice for verification before printing.

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Relevant Clause

Regulations on the Administration of Trademark Printing

Article 3: If a trademark printing commissioning party entrusts a trademark printing unit to print a trademark, it shall present a copy of its business license or a legal business certificate or identity certificate.

Article 4: If a trademark printing agent entrusts the printing of a registered trademark, they shall present a copy of the Trademark Registration Certificate or a copy of the Trademark Registration Certificate signed by the county-level Administration for Industry and Commerce where the registrant is located, and provide a separate copy.

If a trademark license contract is signed to use a registered trademark of another person, and the licensee needs to print the trademark, they should also present the text of the trademark license contract and provide a copy; If the trademark registrant authorizes the licensee to print the trademark separately, in addition to presenting a copy of the Trademark Registration Certificate signed by the county-level Administration for Industry and Commerce where the registrant is located, the registrant shall also present the authorization letter and provide a copy.

Green Food

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The Green Food Mark is a quality certification mark officially registered by the Green Food Development Center with the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. In fact, pure natural food ≠ green food, and not all foods can be called "green". To become a green food, certain conditions need to be met to meet a series of standard requirements, including origin environmental standards, production technology standards, product standards, packaging and storage standards, etc. Digital printing companies need to request green food certification materials from the client when printing green food labels, otherwise they will refuse to print.

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The green food logo series graphics should be designed strictly in accordance with the specifications, appearing in a prominent position on the product packaging (label), usually at the top, and maintaining a certain proportional relationship with the entire packaging (label), without overlapping other color graphics.

Relevant Clause

Management Measures for Green Food Labeling

Article 2: The term "green food" as used in these Measures refers to safe and high-quality edible agricultural products and related products that are produced in a good ecological environment, produced in accordance with green food standards, subject to full process quality control, and have obtained the right to use the green food logo.  

Article 3: The green food logo shall be registered as a certification trademark in accordance with the law and shall be protected by law.

Article 24: The agricultural and rural competent departments of local people's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the supervision and management of green food labels, and conduct supervision and inspection of the environment of green food production areas, product quality, packaging labels, and the use of labels within their jurisdiction in accordance with the law.  

SC Number

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In order to fully implement the requirements of the "Measures for the Administration of Food Production License", the new version of the "Food Production License" has been officially launched, replacing the original "QS" certificate with the "SC" certificate. Newly certified and renewed food producers should label the new food production license number on the food packaging or label, and no longer label the "QS" logo. If the brand wants to print SC numbers on product packaging without obtaining SC certification, this behavior is considered serious fraud. Therefore, digital printing companies must request SC certification information before printing SC numbers, otherwise they will bear joint and several liability.

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Relevant Clause

Measures for the Administration of Food Production License

Article 28: The food production license is divided into original and duplicate copies. The original and copies have equal legal effect.

The State Administration for Market Regulation is responsible for formulating the format of food production licenses. The market supervision and administration departments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government are responsible for the management of the printing and issuance of food production licenses in their respective administrative regions.

Article 30: The food production license number consists of SC (the abbreviation of "production" in Chinese Pinyin) and 14 Arabic numerals. The numbers from left to right are: 3-digit food category code, 2-digit province (autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government) code, 2-digit city (prefecture) code, 2-digit county (district) code, 4-digit sequential code, and 1-digit verification code.

Geographical Indications for Agricultural Products

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Geographical indication of agricultural products refers to a unique agricultural product symbol that indicates the origin of agricultural products from a specific region, the quality and related characteristics of which mainly depend on natural ecological environment and historical and cultural factors, and is named after the regional name. Before printing, digital printing companies need to verify relevant certificates and strictly comply with relevant regulations.

Relevant Clause

Specification for the Use of Geographical Indications for Agricultural Products

Article 6: Printing geographical indications for agricultural products shall comply with the requirements of the "Design and Use Specification Manual for Public Indications of Agricultural Products Geographical Indications".

The national traceable anti-counterfeit and sticker type geographical indications for agricultural products are designed and produced uniformly by the China Green Food Development Center, and users of geographical indications for agricultural products can choose to use them according to their needs.

Article 10: No unit or individual shall falsely use geographical indications for agricultural products. Those who falsely use geographical indications for agricultural products shall be punished in accordance with Article 51 of the Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Law of the People's Republic of China.

Organic Product Logo

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Organic food refers to all agricultural and sideline products, including grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, aquatic products, seasonings, etc., produced and processed according to international organic agriculture production requirements and corresponding standards, and certified by independent organic food institutions from the organic agriculture production system.

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The main pattern of the Chinese organic product certification mark consists of three parts: a circular outer part, a seed shape in the middle, and a circular line around it. Digital printing companies can enlarge or shrink the Chinese organic product certification mark on certified product labels, manuals, and advertising materials in proportion, but it should not deform or change color.

Related Clause

Management Measures for Organic Product Certification

Article 33: The certification client of a certified product shall affix the China Organic Product Certification Mark, Organic Code, and the name of the certification agency on the certified product or the minimum sales packaging of the product. The China Organic Product Certification logo can be printed on certified product labels, manuals, and advertising materials, and can be enlarged or reduced proportionally, but it must not be deformed or discolored.

Post time: Aug-27-2024