
  • Dieline releases 2024 packaging trend report! Which packaging trends will lead the international end market trends?

    Recently, the global packaging design media Dieline released a 2024 packaging trend report and stated that "future design will increasingly highlight the concept of 'people-oriented'." Hongze Pa...
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  • Factors affecting printing color sequence and sequencing principles

    Printing color sequence refers to the order in which each color printing plate is overprinted with a single color as a unit in multi-color printing. For example: a four-color printing press or a two-color printing press is affected by the color sequence. In layman's term...
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  • What are the classifications of food packaging films?

    Because food packaging films have excellent properties of efficiently protecting food safety, and their high transparency can effectively beautify packaging, food packaging films play an increasingly important role in commodity packaging. In order to meet the current cha...
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  • What issues should be paid attention to when packaging frozen food?

    Frozen food refers to food with qualified quality food raw materials that have been properly processed, frozen at a temperature of -30°C, and then stored and circulated at -18°C or lower after packaging. Due to the use of low-temperature cold chain preservation throughou...
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  • What details should be paid attention to when printing packaging in winter?

    Recently, multiple rounds of cold waves have hit frequently from north to south. Many parts of the world have experienced bungee-style cooling, and some areas have even received their first round of snowfall. In this low temperature weather, in addition to everyone's dai...
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  • Material selection for 10 common food packaging categories

    1. Puffed snack food Packaging requirements: oxygen barrier, water barrier, light protection, oil resistance, fragrance retention, sharp appearance, bright color, low cost. Design structure: BOPP/VMCPP  Design reason: BOPP and VMCPP are both scratch-resistant, BOPP has g...
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  • How to choose the material of packaging bags?

    1. Retort packaging bag Packaging requirements: Used for packaging meat, poultry, etc., the packaging is required to have good barrier properties, be resistant to bone holes, and be sterilized under cooking conditions without breaking, cracking, shrinking, and having no ...
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  • What is the difference between laminating process and glazing process?

    The laminating process and the glazing process both belong to the category of post-printing surface finishing processing of printed matter. The functions of the two are very similar, and both can play a certain role in decorating and protecting the surface of the printed...
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  • What impact does winter low temperature have on the flexible packaging lamination process?

    As winter approaches, the temperature gets lower and lower, and some common winter composite flexible packaging problems have become increasingly prominent, such as NY/PE boiled bags and NY/CPP retort bags that are hard and brittle; the adhesive has low initial tack; and...
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  • What is the Lidding film?

    Lidding film is a flexible packaging material specifically designed to provide a secure, protective cover for food trays, containers or cups. It is commonly used in the food industry for packaging ready-to-eat meals, salads, fruits and other perishable goods. ...
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  • Hongze packaging in Allpack Indonesia

    After this exhibition, our company gained an in-depth understanding of the industry's development trends and market conditions, and at the same time discovered many new business opportunities and partners. ...
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  • What is a cold seal packaging film?

    Definition and use of cold seal packaging film Cold seal packaging film means that during the sealing process, only a sealing temperature of about 100°C can be effectively sealed, and no high temperature is required. It is suitable for packaging of temperature-sensitive ...
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